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In this area of the world, there are slave labor brick kilns. Those who are Christian and who have borrowed money for emergency medical or other life-threatening needs, have to repay the debts 1000 fold through horrible working conditions in these brick kilns. Many times, parents are both required and work 7 days a week, with little sleep or food. A small debt can take years to repay, and many times, Christians are persecuted by being accused of something against Muslims, and are thrown into the kilns and burned alive. It’s a situation that is hard to even conceive in our Americanized minds. In many cases, the children have no one to care for them, and Paster Arif steps up and takes them in with the help of us wife and other volunteers. One of the annual events BLOOM has helped with is providing funds for the children to have presents and a Christmas party celebrating the birthday of Jesus. They also provide them all with fun and a full dinner, a new outfit for the year, shoes and some toys.